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Party on the Pitch

Our second Party on the Pitch, organised by Sue Crowther, was held at Hundhill Hall Cricket Club on Sunday, 21st July, 2024.  This year's party took the form of an Afternoon Tea with entertainment and dancing, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  

Here are some photos from the event.  It's always a problem, when photographing large numbers of people, to get everyone looking their best, so apologies to anyone who has been caught yawning, eating or gurning.   Hopefully the photos show how much fun it was to spend the afternoon together.   We don't have a final figure yet for the funds raised for church and for charity but we'll update you shortly. 

Thank you to Sue and everyone who helped with the organisation and setting up etc.  

To view the photos, click on the first image then use the arrows to scroll through the gallery.  Enjoy!

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